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This was a good piece of performance with some stand out elements. The musical landscape which you created was strong, particularly in the first song which benefited from the long, slow build up and well resolved visuals, with some quite startling moments dropped in to confound the viewer’s expectations. The combination of visuals and music in this piece worked well to create some interesting atmospheres. The drop in this song was great too.
You’re clearly a very proficient DJ, and a natural performer, your confidence with mixing, introducing contrast and comfort in front of a crowd all worked in your favour.
Make sure you resolve your technical elements though, with adequate testing prior to the assessment – the lagging in the visuals hampered the energy of the piece, somewhat which was a shame.
Also, after the first song the visuals tended to become a bit generic – mixing in a few more individual and unique visual elements would have really helped here. Nevertheless, this was a good piece of work which was very promising for your third year projects – it will be good to see how your skills develop as you go into your final year.
Duis nonumy eirmod nam no, qui et habemus fastidii. Ei alii recusabo nec, nec soleat accommodare conclusionemque ei. Ne cum putant iudicabit. Cu nec graece aliquip honestatis. Est malorum epicuri molestie cu, agam reprehendunt id duo.